
Mira Vista was born at Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha otherwise known as Earth, Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy, Virgo Supercluster, Observable Universe. She is a by product of 2 browncoats during the fall of Serenity and inherited the Firefly Class spaceship and Police Public Call Box for traveling at hyperspeed and space time continuum. She began to train with a consulting detective from London and further her studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the Slytherin house and becoming a notable co-publisher of the Quibbler. She loves to travel mostly visiting her kin to learn Sindarin at Rivendell and Lothlorien, but she journeys to The Shire to eat hobbit food with great frequency. She also trains at The Death Star as a Storm Trooper perfecting her aiming skills and to test drive X-Wings. She is also a Jaeger Pilot and a member of the Recon Corps Scouting Legion, she's the one who likes potatoes.

On her not so busy days, she learns fire bending with Uncle Iroh and part-time nanny for the kids at Umbrella Academy. She really hates zombies so she arms herself with a shotgun, a Molotov and a trusty set of running shoes. In a parallel universe, she collects, researches and plays with hybrid Pokemons often picking up berries and fishing for Magikarps. She also loves to piss off the sprites and hates watering her crops at her farm aptly named The TARDIS. So she lets her favorite droids C3PO and Marvin the paranoid android to bicker off on who gets to handle the watering can.

You'll often see her hitchhiking the universe via the Heart of Gold, with the Kambal and Troy and Abed, The Knights of Nii and Smeghead Lister. 

Currently, she's a Vogon working on creating hyperspace bypasses for the intergalactic republic. She's also currently developing a photography studio as a business venture and preparing for her future Master classes with crash courses in between from the Philippine Center for Creative Imaging. 

Please stay for a while and have a dose of your daily 'miracle'. Thank you and I appreciate the visit.