Saturday, November 30, 2013

DW50PH: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary - End of the World Party

Last November 23, Whovian Philippines celebrated 50 years of the longest running sci-fi show in the world - Doctor Who, at One San Miguel Building's Roofdeck in Pasig City. The event is spearheaded by Fandom Productions, who specialize in themed-events, and I gotta tell you it was a whopping awesome Time Lord party.

I didn't know what time the event started but I arrived late (that or the others materialized too early). I went shopping over time with my mum from the annual Christmas bazaar so I guess I missed a couple of interesting happenings. Upon arriving, I notice that the venue is cozy and welcoming as it was decorated with lots of Doctor Who related designs like TARDISes, banderitas printed with Cybermen, Adipose, Gallifreyan seal and a TARDIS. There were also posters on the wall that are for sale. Projectors and computers are set up too for public viewing of the Ulitmate Guide for Doctor Who and Doctor Who proms. Before entering I got myself registered and got a loot bag filled with candies. 

The party was really awesome. I love how people cheered during the viewing of the Ultimate Guide as we all cheered for each and every Doctor incarnation that appeared on screen. Also during the viewing of the proms, we were all jeering. Even my friend, George, did an impromptu Pandorica speech. But the best part of the night was the Geek Fight. I thought I know my Doctor Who well enough, excluding the Classic Who (i'd still have to find time to watch them all), but the questions are really hard. I'm just happy to watch them raise their answers and raise their sort-of answers. Haha. 

On a personal note, my experience quite involves just a few people. They are mostly with the ones I hung out with during Cosmania. I'm too shy to mingle but there were a few people I met that are really cool and I would love to meet up with them again and strike a converstaion

I could go on and on about the party, as I still have a hang over, but right now, all I can do is to show you what happened that Timey-Wimey night. This is what went down when the Pandorica opens, companions meet each other, too many TARDISES and too many Doctor regenerations in one place.

Recreating The Day of the Doctor pose.
Too many Doctors in one photo.
This can't be good.
It's a party. Hey~!
Oooh, balloons~!
This is the problem during the party. We got twice the fun.
(L) 2 Doctors fighting over Sexy
(R) Recreating Smith and Tennant's reversing the Polarity.
And we have 2 TARDISes.
One is literally smaller than the other one.
Then the party starts.
It's The Doctor VS The Master Race
... in a game called wrestling.
Meaning, the Doctor will be Master-locked.
But these Time Lords have other things in mind and that's photobombing each other - purposely ending the universe.
Sometimes, Time Lords find time to play with themselves.
Or playing knock knock jokes with yourself.
"Knock, Knock" "Who's there?"
"2 more knocks"
Badabum tssss.
Close enough.
(R) I wear Daleks now. Daleks are cool.
Then again here's my adventures from other people's lenses.
Photo taken by Andrea Taruc
Am I on the side of the Angels or the Doctors?
Photo taken by Cat Sparrow
Basically I'm volunteering to be the next companion.
Photo taken by Geanne Flores
A Calvierri Girl as a companion? Why not?
Photo taken by Alexis Lozano
Calvierri Girl loves photographs. I won't register anyway.
Photo by Mimai Cabugnason
Photo with Eleventh and Fourth, Selfies with Elevens, And me as The Master
Photo taken from George Salire
Photobombing level: Vampire
Selfie by Jocef Baquilod
I'm surrounded. Gasp!
Here's back-up~!
And a lot more of us villains.
Soothsayers, Cybermen, Clockwork Droid and my bestie Dalek.
Then again, I love myself some posing with the companions.
And even the Doctors himself.
I, IV, IX, X, XI
(L-R) Darkest Timeline Vampire, Master Vampire, Mini Dalek Vampire.
(L-R) Gas Mask Vampire, Photobomber Vampire and Dog Owner Vampire.
Selfies with Cosmania buddies.
Been stalking this real life couple dressed up as Amy and Rory.
I borrowed Jocef to complete the Vampire of Venice Episode.
The first official episode of them as a Threesome.
And that concludes The Vampire Adventures in Space and Time.

***Photos from my phone were taken by Cielo, Raya, Jocef, Andrea, Jedd, Geanne, George and Tin. Thank you fellow Whovians. Thank you for a wonderful night. With this, I consider it as my birthday.

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