Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Introductory Post

Dear Reader,

For years, I have been a loyal disciple of a handful of bloggers. I found myself ritually reading through their blogs - astounded on how they paint their lives with beautiful interesting photos and wonderfully woven words that they proudly share to the world.

And so, I decided to start a blog like the rest of my virtual idols did. I said to myself, "You gotta start somewhere, right?" And blogged I did. With only just 3 months into the blogosphere with absolutely 1 to 0 following. I say "who reads my blog anyway?" And so, that started the string of my dormant accounts.

But even without a blog, I still feel the urge to manage my personal sites, to constantly update my Facebook page because my friends are there, likewise the social events I attend to and basically everything else. And with today's information based technology, you shouldn't be out of the loop even for a minute, that's how fast the world goes right now. I must learn to keep up. 

And so, I feel the pressure of to be unique and relevant (again) in this rather dynamic virtual world. That is, succumbing myself to blogging again and this time, to continuously maintain that drive to write, shoot and explore the wonderful things around me. It is by no means intended to anyone in particular, but just a piece of my mind and what I do - a little something to offer to the world, just like the bloggers I look up to. 

I know that no one will be reading my blog, I'd be surprised IF they did. But this blog is for me - a digital memory box to keep in tact the memories I hold dear. I've always felt that I am not worthy to blog because my life isn't as awesome as the people I follow. But I always remember this from the movie of Dr. Parnassus, "No one can stop a story from being told." This is my story and I'm telling it one way or another. 

I only ask you, the reader, to understand and have patience for me. I may write stuff that you'll like, or stuff that you don't. But I will write, only with indefinite intervals of doing so. So please, bear with me and join me on this journey that I would humbly share with you, dear reader.


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