Monday, January 14, 2013

Backyard Studio Production

I confess, I have this lucid dream of becoming a High-Fashion photographer because they get to envision whimsical and out-of-this-world ideas and making them become a reality, at the same time immortalizing it, through a photo. I just want to capture beauty in every sense of the word like they do but I've got to start somewhere, you know?

And thus my backyard studio is born! Well, it's sort of like my uncle's house with movable furniture, color coordinated rooms and spacious backyard. We don't have a backyard at all in my own house, sadly. But then, I arm myself up with my trusty camera and take on whoever willing cousin of mine is available at that time. Most of the shoot happened on lazy Sunday afternoons.

So here's what I've gathered so far to start off the year right. Be sure to drop by my Dropr account for more of these photos - sort of.


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